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Engineering Digital Success for Enterprises

Engineering Digital Success for Enterprises” focuses on transforming businesses through expert web development, innovative design, and seamless cloud deployment. I create robust, user-friendly web applications, ensuring scalability, reliability, and superior functionality. My strategic SEO practices enhance visibility, driving traffic and engagement. Technologies I used for Enterprise applications are:

I specialize in

Web Application Engineering

Expertly crafting robust, user-friendly web applications with innovative design and seamless cloud deployment for optimal performance.

Maintaining Web Servers

Ensuring web server stability, security, and optimal performance through proactive maintenance and expert management.

Business Technology Coaching

Guiding businesses to leverage technology effectively for growth and efficiency through personalized coaching and strategic advice.

Consultation on Hospitality Expectations

Offering expert advice to enhance hospitality services, ensuring exceptional guest experiences and operational excellence.

Involving on Agile Development

Implementing Agile methodologies to improve project efficiency, collaboration, and rapid delivery of high-quality software.

Security & Vulnerability

Protecting systems against threats with comprehensive security measures and vulnerability assessments.

My Motivations

As a web application engineer, my journey is fueled by a deep passion for technology and a relentless drive to innovate. Here’s what motivates me every day:

Solving Complex Problems

From the moment I wrote my first line of code, I was hooked on the challenge of solving complex problems. Each project is a new puzzle, and finding elegant, efficient solutions is what drives me forward. The thrill of overcoming technical hurdles and the satisfaction of a job well done keep me motivated.

Continuous Learning and Growth

I am dedicated to continuously expanding my knowledge and skills to stay at the forefront of technology. Embracing new challenges, learning from peers, and staying updated with industry trends drive my professional growth and ensure I deliver innovative solutions.

Creating Impactful Solutions

I am driven by the potential to create software that makes a difference. Whether it’s developing applications that streamline business operations or creating tools that improve everyday life, I strive to build solutions that have a meaningful impact. Knowing that my work can contribute to positive change is a powerful motivator.

What people says

I have been working with many organizations, and with many people who hold the important part of the company. I made many of successful stories with the help of trust I build with them. I bring values to their goals.

I have been reworded as Extra Miler at HSBC. and I always deliver more than expected. I have published only couple of them here, Please visit my LinkedIn and check it out for more recommendations.

Stefan Klokgieters

Creative and solution oriented is what that comes to mind when I think about Piyal. I’ve had the pleasure of working with Piyal for almost three years, during which he helped improving and stabilizing our internal applications with great success. Above all, I was impressed with his ability to bring people together as part of solving (technical) challenges. And, of course, his pragmatic mindset. Piyal would be a true asset for any positions requiring creative Front-end skills with a heavy technical component and comes with my heartfelt recommendation.

Niroshan Madampitige

Piyal is a professional with great personal values and he believes his attitude and the behavior comes first and therefore, Piyal maintains the integrity and builds up trust-based relationships to optimize his contributions. I have seen Piyal developing on his communications abilities, personal relations, leading capabilities, and his technical expertise over the last 10 years and it’s very impressive considering where Piyal was when he stared at HSBC

Service Booking

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Select Category
Select Service
{{ service_details.bookingpress_service_name }}

Duration: {{ service_details.bookingpress_service_duration_val }} {{ service_details.bookingpress_service_duration_label }}

Price: {{ service_details.bookingpress_service_price }}

{{ is_error_msg }}

Date & Time
Time Slot
There is no time slots available
{{ time_details.formatted_start_end_time }}
{{ time_details.formatted_start_end_time }}
{{ time_details.formatted_start_end_time }}
{{ time_details.formatted_start_end_time }}
Date & Time
Time Slot
There is no time slots available
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{{ time_details.formatted_start_end_time }}
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{{ time_details.formatted_start_end_time }}

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Basic Details

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Your appointment booking summary

{{appointment_step_form_data.customer_name }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.customer_firstname }} {{ appointment_step_form_data.customer_lastname }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.customer_email }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_service_name}}
Date & Time
{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_date | bookingpress_format_date }}, {{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_start_time | bookingpress_format_time }} – {{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_end_time | bookingpress_format_time }}
Appointment Details
{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_service_name}}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_date | bookingpress_format_date }}, {{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_start_time | bookingpress_format_time }} – {{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_end_time | bookingpress_format_time }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_service_price }}
There is no payment method available.
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No categories and services added!

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